God wants you! He chose you!
God wants you! He chose you!
How will you know when God is calling you? It varies for everyone, but here are some common ways He communicates.
God often speaks quietly to our hearts. You might have a recurring thought or a sense of peace about a certain direction. Pay attention to these subtle nudges.
Spend time reading the Bible. Sometimes, a verse or story may stand out, and you may feel like God is speaking directly to you.
Seek advice from mature Christians or mentors. Their insights can offer clarity and confirmation about God's direction for you.
Notice the opportunities and challenges in your life. God may guide you by opening doors of opportunity or closing ones that lead away from His plan.
God's calling often brings a deep sense of peace, even when facing challenges. Trust that inner calm.
Remember, discovering your calling is a journey. It may take time but trust the process and stay open-hearted.